Friday, April 15, 2011

On/Off subject :P

Since I figured this had to deal with Sociology, I decided to post this here. (Of course I don't understand how to make another blog...ahem. I'm so technology ignorant sometimes). How do some people feel about globalization? I'm reading The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman. At first, it was a simple extra credit homework report from my History teacher, just simply read chapters 1 and 7. But as I go on out of sheer boredom, I realize how truthful this book is. (For those that do not know, the book is about globalization and the effects it has on the world. In other words, The World Is Flat. We depend so much that our independence is almost nonexistent). So as a concerned Sociology student, I must ask this question. Is Globalization good for us? Mr. Friedman writes about how he goes to India and see's Texas buildings, how no one in the country has kept their traditions. It's understandable, to me, anyways. He goes on, speaking of how the women and men of India are those who we can for answers to computers and machines they've never dealt with. How they are the callers we so rudely hang up on as they try to make wages on their sales (Don't feel bad, I've done it plenty of times). Is this good for us, or bad? What happens if we go to war, or we need to depend on our own country for survival? I don't believe we could do it. I don't think Japan could do it. China. Europe... No one. So do you feel globalization brings us all together or destroying us secretly? Ahem, I'm off my soapbox for tonight. I think.

-Kelley :)

1 comment:

  1. Kelley, It is fine to post this here, but let me tell you how to make another blog: Click on the Dashboard link in the upper right hand corner of your blog. There you will find an orange "Create A Blog" button.

    I am so glad that you are reading this book. The changes in our world brought about by technology do have positive and negative issues that we should be aware of, but we must realize that these changes are not something that we control now. The world is now flat and we have to adapt to those changes - like it or not.
