Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is My Neighborhood Culturally Diverse?

1. I don't believe that our neighborhood is culturally diverse. Besides limited race in Oak Cliff, the economy is all one in the same. People do the exact same thing, wear the same thing, and talk the same way. We're practically robots who can't speak properly. 2. You always hear someone here talking about a culture they don't understand. I called myself agnostic in front of a class full of Christians and was happy looks could not kill. People here make fun of 'private' schools like it's not a good thing to pay and want education. Blacks make fun of whites and Mexicans, and vice versa. 3. We would not react very well if someone with a different culture came here, especially those that we didn't understand. Best way would be communication between us to try and understand. After all, education and knowledge of what we were once ignorant of makes the world a better place, right? -Kelley :)

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