Thursday, March 31, 2011


In 1996, Doma was created saying that the goverment didn't have to recognize same-sex marriages. This led to problems. Whether it was the fact those that lost their loved ones would not be in tittled for what they deserve, due to their marriage not being "real" in that state, or the child who couldn't be put into the custody of the same sex partners because of the fact only one person could adopt the child, it was rather hard to be a homosexual couple in those states. My feelings are these below: You have no reason to get into these people's lives. It's wrong to do this because it's their choice at the end of the day. This is their life you are ruining because of your bitter hatred. If you don't like it, don't do it. Too many people have strange worries going on in the life, most of them that don't concern them in any way. If you believe if it's against the bible, then don't do it. But don't spread prejudice and make their lives complicated all because you have an opinion. It's wrong. Today, more and more percentage of the world is becoming homosexual. And those homosexuals have to face presecution just for being alive and feeling what they want to feel. Everyone should get a chance to have a relationship, choose to love and to marry those that they want to marry. Who are we to tell them no? God said, if you are fighting for the bible reason, that he would love his children unconditionally. And at the end of the day, isn't it only your God that should judge humans? How can you claim it's against the bible and with the same breath preach the word of God? Let them be humans. Let them love, has passionate feelings toward another human being, let them feel what we shouldn't rob them of. They are humans, too. -Kelley :)

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