Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Feelings Of Abortion

Yesterday was March 23, 2011 when our sociology class first spoke about abortion. Due to billboards, the discussion of both abortion and racism came into play. Billboards speaking about how the worse place a baby to be is in the womb of an African-American woman. These people who posted them were anti-abortion people attempting to get a message through to others about how wrong abortion is. The billboards came out as racist rather than someone trying to make the point across about abortion being wrong. My personal feelings is that if a mother takes the initiative to make the choice of aborting her child, it is her choice. I think that I would never resort to hurting something so innocent, but I believe in choice. Every human makes mistakes, it's a hard lesson that people have to find out, but for people to take women's rights away just because they don't believe in it is wrong. Many women have so many problems already in their life and maybe they feel the worst thing they could do is give birth. If you believe it's wrong, then don't do it. People can voice their opinion no matter what, but the worst thing to do is make actual statements like the billboard did. For example, many people sit day and night, wasting their own life, petitioning in front of abortion clinics. They tell the women who hesitantly go in there that they will born in Hell for what they do, that they shouldn't abort the child because it's wrong. And what does it do? Breed hatred, demise, and perhaps the feeling that God is against them for making their own choice. In short, I don't believe the billboard was right. I understand that people believe the bible says we shouldn't kill a child, especially one that is so innocent and pure, but what else are you saying about yourself? These billboards are hurtful, since the percentage in 2004 says blacks are only 3 percent higher than whites. So why make this announcement? They shouldn't try to take this path to making people aware, it only sends the wrong message. And now everyone that sees those can only wonder, what monsters are behind these billboards? -Kelley :)

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