Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Introduction :)

My name is Kelley Gailey and I am a student of Mrs. Stovall's sociology class in A. Maceo Smith High School. Born in Dallas, Texas and have been here my whole life, born and raised. Very intelligent student, A and Bs, and an excellent ranking in my class. I love reading books, playing video games, and taking part in discussions about things. My most appreciated talent is writing. I also have an interest in History and the way things work around the world. I'm very opinionated, but I'm very good at making friends, or at least I think so. I am interested in learning about different cultures and interacting with others out of my location. I think it would be very interesting to here from others around the world. :) I even hope to one day travel to Europe, learn Germany and French, and be more socially aware. I hope I have a pleasure of meeting you, -Kelley :)

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