Thursday, May 12, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

My brother comes walking in my room last night with this look on his face that I've only seen very few times in my life. Anyways, he tells me Laden is dead. Yay. :/ Why the lack of enthusiasm? Because as great as it is, I can only wonder what'll happen now that he's dead. People are going to be pissed off (sorry Mrs. Stovall for the bad word) and I know dang well that I don't want to be in the United States when we get punished for what was done.
Or maybe people will come to their senses and realize that this was one man. He wasn't like.. King William or something. I'm happy either way. Why? Because my father is a member of the National Guard and spent 18 months allllll the way on the other side of the world for this stupid war and I'm happy it's coming to a close. I support America and I'm an extreme nationalist, but I also believe that sometimes it's just better to realize we can't simply go to another country and expect to fix their problems when our own isn't going to be fixed over night. We need time, patience, and a lot of willingness. Why don't we fix things here before we go running off to the other side of the world?
OH! :-] How good it is to be an American.
-Kelley :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

On/Off subject :P

Since I figured this had to deal with Sociology, I decided to post this here. (Of course I don't understand how to make another blog...ahem. I'm so technology ignorant sometimes). How do some people feel about globalization? I'm reading The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman. At first, it was a simple extra credit homework report from my History teacher, just simply read chapters 1 and 7. But as I go on out of sheer boredom, I realize how truthful this book is. (For those that do not know, the book is about globalization and the effects it has on the world. In other words, The World Is Flat. We depend so much that our independence is almost nonexistent). So as a concerned Sociology student, I must ask this question. Is Globalization good for us? Mr. Friedman writes about how he goes to India and see's Texas buildings, how no one in the country has kept their traditions. It's understandable, to me, anyways. He goes on, speaking of how the women and men of India are those who we can for answers to computers and machines they've never dealt with. How they are the callers we so rudely hang up on as they try to make wages on their sales (Don't feel bad, I've done it plenty of times). Is this good for us, or bad? What happens if we go to war, or we need to depend on our own country for survival? I don't believe we could do it. I don't think Japan could do it. China. Europe... No one. So do you feel globalization brings us all together or destroying us secretly? Ahem, I'm off my soapbox for tonight. I think.

-Kelley :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eminent Domain

Eminent Domain is an action of the state to seize a citizen's private property, expropriate property, or seize a citizen's rights in property with due monetary compensation, but without the owner's consent. ====== Eminent Domain differs from country to country depending on what country it is and whatever their rights suggest. For the United States, we seize that land if it's just and fair. But if we compensate it, the money actually does go back to that person who had their land taken from them. So in a way, they get back their money despite the problems transitioning from whatever started it in the first place. Canada resembles our system in the same why. They sell the place, but owners can still advance claims. Other that, public authorities can take away the home for public purposes. -Kelley :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is My Neighborhood Culturally Diverse?

1. I don't believe that our neighborhood is culturally diverse. Besides limited race in Oak Cliff, the economy is all one in the same. People do the exact same thing, wear the same thing, and talk the same way. We're practically robots who can't speak properly. 2. You always hear someone here talking about a culture they don't understand. I called myself agnostic in front of a class full of Christians and was happy looks could not kill. People here make fun of 'private' schools like it's not a good thing to pay and want education. Blacks make fun of whites and Mexicans, and vice versa. 3. We would not react very well if someone with a different culture came here, especially those that we didn't understand. Best way would be communication between us to try and understand. After all, education and knowledge of what we were once ignorant of makes the world a better place, right? -Kelley :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011


In 1996, Doma was created saying that the goverment didn't have to recognize same-sex marriages. This led to problems. Whether it was the fact those that lost their loved ones would not be in tittled for what they deserve, due to their marriage not being "real" in that state, or the child who couldn't be put into the custody of the same sex partners because of the fact only one person could adopt the child, it was rather hard to be a homosexual couple in those states. My feelings are these below: You have no reason to get into these people's lives. It's wrong to do this because it's their choice at the end of the day. This is their life you are ruining because of your bitter hatred. If you don't like it, don't do it. Too many people have strange worries going on in the life, most of them that don't concern them in any way. If you believe if it's against the bible, then don't do it. But don't spread prejudice and make their lives complicated all because you have an opinion. It's wrong. Today, more and more percentage of the world is becoming homosexual. And those homosexuals have to face presecution just for being alive and feeling what they want to feel. Everyone should get a chance to have a relationship, choose to love and to marry those that they want to marry. Who are we to tell them no? God said, if you are fighting for the bible reason, that he would love his children unconditionally. And at the end of the day, isn't it only your God that should judge humans? How can you claim it's against the bible and with the same breath preach the word of God? Let them be humans. Let them love, has passionate feelings toward another human being, let them feel what we shouldn't rob them of. They are humans, too. -Kelley :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Feelings Of Abortion

Yesterday was March 23, 2011 when our sociology class first spoke about abortion. Due to billboards, the discussion of both abortion and racism came into play. Billboards speaking about how the worse place a baby to be is in the womb of an African-American woman. These people who posted them were anti-abortion people attempting to get a message through to others about how wrong abortion is. The billboards came out as racist rather than someone trying to make the point across about abortion being wrong. My personal feelings is that if a mother takes the initiative to make the choice of aborting her child, it is her choice. I think that I would never resort to hurting something so innocent, but I believe in choice. Every human makes mistakes, it's a hard lesson that people have to find out, but for people to take women's rights away just because they don't believe in it is wrong. Many women have so many problems already in their life and maybe they feel the worst thing they could do is give birth. If you believe it's wrong, then don't do it. People can voice their opinion no matter what, but the worst thing to do is make actual statements like the billboard did. For example, many people sit day and night, wasting their own life, petitioning in front of abortion clinics. They tell the women who hesitantly go in there that they will born in Hell for what they do, that they shouldn't abort the child because it's wrong. And what does it do? Breed hatred, demise, and perhaps the feeling that God is against them for making their own choice. In short, I don't believe the billboard was right. I understand that people believe the bible says we shouldn't kill a child, especially one that is so innocent and pure, but what else are you saying about yourself? These billboards are hurtful, since the percentage in 2004 says blacks are only 3 percent higher than whites. So why make this announcement? They shouldn't try to take this path to making people aware, it only sends the wrong message. And now everyone that sees those can only wonder, what monsters are behind these billboards? -Kelley :)

My Introduction :)

My name is Kelley Gailey and I am a student of Mrs. Stovall's sociology class in A. Maceo Smith High School. Born in Dallas, Texas and have been here my whole life, born and raised. Very intelligent student, A and Bs, and an excellent ranking in my class. I love reading books, playing video games, and taking part in discussions about things. My most appreciated talent is writing. I also have an interest in History and the way things work around the world. I'm very opinionated, but I'm very good at making friends, or at least I think so. I am interested in learning about different cultures and interacting with others out of my location. I think it would be very interesting to here from others around the world. :) I even hope to one day travel to Europe, learn Germany and French, and be more socially aware. I hope I have a pleasure of meeting you, -Kelley :)